Localiza - Rent a car


Travel & Local


Save time with more convenience and flexibility to choose where and when to go.

Gain time, convenience and flexibility with the Localiza App! With it you can make reservations, choose your preferred model, speed up car pickup and much more.See the main features that Localiza has brought you:- Manage your reservations: make, check and cancel reservations in few steps.- Choose your model*: choose your preferred car model using the app.- Check in*: speed up the car pickup with the Express Check-in service.- Learn more about LOCALIZA FAST*: make reservations and open the car directly using your cell phone. - Search for locations: find the Localiza locations closest to you.The app is available in Portuguese, English and Spanish.With 44 years of market experience, Localiza is the largest car rental network in Latin America, present in Brazil and seven other countries in South America. The company currently has a fleet of approximately 240,000 cars distributed across more than 590 locations. *Check the conditions at localiza.comMore practical, organized and easier to use. We know that the journey is as important as the destination, so we have improved entire app experience just for you, to make your trip unforgettable. Ready to hit the road? Download and check it out!

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Still have my name spelled wrong.

Mark Peters

Really slow

Vitor Gomes

App horrível, não funciona com Android 12

Diogo Souza

Localiza Fast não funciona. A empresa é ótima, mas o app falha ao enviar a foto. Todas permissões foram dadas ao aplicativo, conferi. Rodando Android, testei com 4G e o Wi-Fi que a empresa disponibiliza no local.

Martin Jungblut Schreiner

Good app, clear process steps

Tuấn Minh Trần

Very very slow, freezes all the time. Very hard to complete any operation

Alexander Güntert

Desenvolvedores o app não está funcionando devidemanete no Android 12. Utilizando o localiza fast para abrir o carro o app buga e fecha sozinho. Fiquei um hora tentando e nada, até que liguei para um amigo cujo tinha um celular com Android 11 para me encontrar e liberar. P.S: meu celular é um Samsung, talvez seja um problema com a OneUI



Fábio Goncalves

Empresa lixo, faz maracutaias para enganar os clientes! Não utilizem!

Paulo Cella

Ódio e nojo

Fellipe Lamoglia